Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Brain

forget the formal intros I'm going to just start off by saying karma is a BITCH so pray god she doesn't haunt you

I've always thought the human brain was a strange enigma. There has to be avenues and corridors that we still haven't even begun to explore. A lot of people don't realize how much memories, data, and knowledge the mind can retain, personaly I think its a infinate amount.
It pisses me off when people don't use their brain power, they abuse it by not using it or just sit on thier ass and do nothing productive. This may sound cliche' but a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and if i were president (that reminds me of a Wyclef track lol) I would have everyone who doesnt use thier brain decapitated and their head be place on a the spiked gates of the White House. HMM a bit harsh you say well that how strong i feel about this and dont get me wrong im a peace loving man. Don't you wish you can just know what someone is think, kinda like Professor Xavier(from the x-men), look into their mind and find out what makes them do the things they do. Mainly because the things some people do make no sense and their reason are no where near logical. That would definately make life for me a whole lot easier. But the would be invading the person privacy....matter fact who gives a fuck about their privacy. People shouldnt have nothing to hide in the first place. If you know that you have to hide what your doing from someone you shouldnt be doing it in the first place. Urgh, stupidity gets my blood boiling and that cause me to exspell all thoughts. Im just thinking out loud here, if you dont like it click on that red box with the white X in it on the top right corner of you screen. Love it or hate you just read it, thank for reading

Writeous Wes

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