Tuesday, December 30, 2008

reminise....disaster in the form of a note

whats up...this is my 2nd entry and if you here I guess you hooked :^p

The other day my BFF (franny pie) and I were talking about the good old days in elementary and middle school. You know passing little love notes making cootie catchers and playing games like M.A.S.H and tic tac toe. All that reminiscing brought to mind a little crush I had and a little note I wrote lol...

I was in the fourth grade (at the Lucy Stone Elementary), and there was this girl (named Francesca not to be confused with my frannypie) who caught my eye, from what I could remember she was the first crush I had. There was something about this girl, i couldn't put my finger on as to why back then but now that I look back on it I know exactly why. She was different from the other girls in my class she was among the few kids who actually wore the school uniform and so was I (yeah we were dorks). But the main attraction was cause the fact she wasn't a hop scotching, double dutching, "eww don't touch me" type a girl. Her and I became recess buddies playing tag races doing cartwheels (even the lunch mothers thought we were cute together) like a match made in adolescent heaven. Once I figured I liked her I had to do something about it. I went to my older Bro and he came up with the plan to write a love note and leave it in her desk. SO we get to writing poetic mumbo jumbo, it actually came out pretty nice. To make sure I seal the deal I cracked open my piggy bank and bought a heart shaped key chain with a picture of a puppy ( yeah i was real determined to get this girl). I got to school early to make sure no one sees me shove the note in her desk. After lunch I noticed her and her friend staring at me. I'm thinking "oh shit she thinks I'm a moron and hates me", at this point I'm shitting brick. Now with all the whispering back and forth my teacher gets wise and grabs the letter, and reads it with complete surprise. Mind you this letter was saying things like i want to kiss you and hug you and be my girlfriend type stuff. LMAO!!! yes I was young me nor my brother knew how to write a love letter. All I ended up doing was scaring this girl out of the school and got in trouble for a reckless letter like that. Of course when my mom finds out I didn't dime out my bro, so i got a nice stiff whipping that night, with a lecture about you too young for girl and you don't even have hair on you balls type shit. Moral of this story is don't let you older sibling help you with shit...because at the end of the day you getting an ass whipping by you self. Thanks for reading

Writeous Wes

Sunday, December 28, 2008

my first entry unbelieveable

okay, I'm really excited about this blog...call me corny or cheesy i'll be a cheesy corn ball lol.

well this is the first of many unbelieveable happenings in my life that I will post. if i heard this from Jesus Christ himself I would find it hard to believe...but its from me so you know it true (no offense Jesus).

Sooo on the day of Boston's 1st snow storm of the year my mom has the bright idea to have me pick up my kid sister from NYC so she can spend her xmas vaction in Boston. Now orginally I was going to make a whole day of it go xmas shopping etc. and have some QT with my best friend (franny pie love her to death). But then we got news of the storm she dropped out. I was going to drop out too, but my mom insisted I still go. For some reason she thinks she a meteorologist and her forecast was that it was only going to be light snow late in the day. Well I get up early and hop on the 10am Fung Wah bus to NY (some people wouldnt trust asian drivers with a shopping cart but those Fung Wah guys know how to work a steering wheel). About two hours into the trip we stop at a highway McDonalds and I really needed to piss like a racehorse and I was holding ever since I left my house (everybody knows bathrooms on buses are THE nastiest). I walk into the mens room and I see some dude standing really close to last stall, I'm thinking "what the hell is that weirdo doing". So I choose a urinal and at about mid drainage I hear a feminine moan. I knew it wasn't in my head because the moan didn't sound like Halle Berry lol (she's featured in a lot of my fanasties), I heard the muffled moan again and turned my head finishing my leak onto the tiled floor. I looked around for a second then walked to the stall peeking through the cracks I see a woman riding on top of a dude!! Like they were serious having sex. My jaw hit the ground so hard I chipped a tooth. Just the thought of having sex in a highway Mcdonalds bathroom is sooo gross yet I was turned on. Well I must of made some type of noise because the girl looked back at me I picked up my mouth and ran out that bathroom at full speed. And that was the freakest thing I have ever scene (I'm still in shock as I'm writing this). People do the most repulsive things when they think people aren't looking but that's life and I love every minute of it. Thanks for reading

- Writeous Wes