Hey yall, sorry that I haven't posted a new entry lately but I've been getting in the grove of school, You know how that goes.
So this post is a poem I wrote for a girl I had a thing for back in high school.
There's never been a name that flooded my brain like yours and I dont know why. But I want an answer tht will justify the presence of this 7 letter word. These letters when strategicly put together make a sound that can only be compared to a symphony. This pronoun is powered by this angelic being that stops my heart cold and melts my soul. Turning me to a stupifided fein. Stuck in a retarted state I dont know what to do, acting like a fool everytime I'm around you. Maybe its because the flawless features of your face bring to mind the absolute beauty that many would compare to cleopatra, but the way I see it she should be held in comparison to you. Just the shine of your eyes alone can only be referenced to the glow of the moon. Listen here this is my sonnet to you, yeah you...know who you are. The girl who popped the cherry to my heart. Never thought guys had a cherry to pop but I guess we do, well I know I do. Wait...there is one more and I know his heart still a bit sore. Now its time to wake up from being comatose and take a double dose of asprin cause gettin struck by love it leaves a pretty deep scar. But I don't need no cocoa butter for this wound seeing how its a reminder of you. So I guess you can call it a beauty mark. Now before I embark on my quest like Johnny I'm a count the tick tocks of my internal clock waiting to see when our time will come. And for my sack hopefully father time speeds things up.
...thanks for reading
Writeous Wes
7 letter? L I M A R I E lol i love you =*