Monday, June 14, 2010

June Babies

Shout out to all the June Born Kings and Queens

Sandy D.
Stacy L.
Wayne M.
Oliver B.
Olashwone B.
Duline E.
Kaleigh D.
Laurie P.
Niecy B.
Ricky W.
Saliym M.
Nathanaelle D.
Irving D.
Alemensh E.
Mildred L.
Pamela D.
Alandre A.
Allan J.
Jean M.
Monique H.
Emily R.
Luchie A.
Kalee L.
Francine L.
Damari H.
Christina A.

And of course ME !!

Love it or hate it, but know that Geminis and Cancers rule the entire Zodiac

Writeous Wes


  1. oh yes we do :). hella of a list

  2. i soooo should be first u dick jk im mad u got everyone in order down pact tho lol
